
Day 0 2015.9.1(Tue.)

  • 第一次搭飛機、出國
    First time taking a flight and going abroad
  • 桃園機場到吉隆坡機場2
    From Taoyuan International Airport to KLIA2 (Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2)
  • 吉隆坡機場2的nz餐廳美食
    nz curry house in KLIA2
  • 夜宿吉隆坡機場2
    Sleeping in KLIA2 at night

I don’t have much room in my smartphone. However, on emotional level, I can’t delete those photos because I have a promise to finish this travel note and I haven’t finished it yet. I should fulfill my promise not just for keeping my words but also for a closure and review for our stories.

I really admire those who write blogs. It’s so hard for me but I’ll do it. After all, these stories happened about one year ago.

I couldn’t get the idea behind this. This was a wall at Terminal I, Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan. Before I went to check-in counter, I had a bowl of vegetable noodles. Gosh, the taste was awful! It is still on my list of disgusting food I have ever had. Maybe it suits for people who love salad because the vegetable in it was barely cooked.

P.S. I took Ubus 705 from Taoyuan station of THSR(Taiwan High Speed Rail) to Taoyuan International Airport. It was about 15 mins to terminal II and 20 mins to terminal I. Fare: 30 NTD.


繼續閱讀 斯里蘭卡/day0/第一次搭飛機TPE-KUL